Tuesday, December 15, 2009

30 Megapixel CineForm

This post showcases one of the many applications for the CineForm codec. BrainSalt Media uses CineForm decoders to drive 16 seamlessly tiled projectors on a 250 square meter curve screen for an awesome virtual aquarium installation in China.

To top the aquarium, here is BrainSalt's 30 Megapixel at 60 Frames dome projection also using CineForm (15 titled 2K projectors.) Here is a photo for the dome during setup

Search on Macau City of Dreams on Youtube for spinets of these huge screens.

P.S. I have just heard that domed presentation above won an award -- Themed Entertainment Association Award 2009.  Remember that is 1.8GPixels per second running from a CineForm fully software/CPU based decoder.


  1. David, which software are they using for the playback? Iridas Venue system?

    Good work,

  2. They are using the DirectShow decoder within custom tools developed at BrainSalt Media.
